1998 Astro
Astro Models
Pa ssenger Va n, rea r-wheel
Pa ssenger Va n, All-Wheel
Ca rgo Va n, rea r-wheel drive
Ca rgo Va n, All-Wheel Drive.
Three trim levels a re a va il-
a ble for Astro Pa ssenger Va n:
Astro (with sta nda rd trim )
Astro Ca rgo Va n is a va ila ble
only in the sta nda rd trim level.
Astro LS Pa ssenger Va n
Wh at’s New
For 1998:
Enha nced 4-speed
electronica lly-controlled
a utom a tic tra nsm ission with
Overdrive (see pa ge 9)
Pa sslock® theft-deterrent
system (see pa ge 4)
An im proved clea rcoa t pa int
(interim a va ila bility) tha t
helps reduce da m a ge ca used
by wa ter-spotting, a cid ra in
a nd environm enta l etch (see
pa ge 7)
Astro LT All-Wheel-Drive Pa ssenger Va n
equipped, Astro ca n tow a s m uch a s 5,500 pounds.
This is due, in pa rt, to its rea r-wheel-drive pla tform ,
now unique in the m idsize va n segm ent.*
Three new exterior colors:
Medium Ca det Blue Meta llic,
Da rk Copper Meta llic a nd
Da rk Forest Green Meta llic
Two new exterior cla dding
colors: Da rk Forest Green
Meta llic a nd Da rk Copper
Meta llic (see pa ge 7)
With Ford Aerosta r scheduled to cea se production
in August, Astro sta nds a lone a s the only m idsize
va n,* with m ore ca rgo ca pa city, pa yloa d ca pa city
a nd a higher tra iler towing ra ting tha n a ny typica l
front-wheel-drive m iniva n ca n provide.
Astro ta kes sa fety seriously, with a long list of
sta nda rd sa fety fea tures, such a s driver a nd front-
pa ssenger a ir ba gs, Da ytim e Running La m ps (DRL)
a nd a 4-wheel a nti-lock bra ke system (ABS).
Under the hood is a powerful sta nda rd Vortec
4300 V6 SFI engine tha t produces 190 horsepower
a nd 250 lb.-ft. of torque, giving Astro the power to
perform a va riety of ta sks. And, with extended
service interva ls, Astro helps m a ke life a little ea sier.
In keeping with its rugged, ha rdworking a nd
versa tile reputa tion, Astro is pa rt of the Chevy Truck
sponsorship of the U.S. Ski Tea m a nd the Sa ra h Will
Wom a n’s Sport Founda tion, a group dedica ted to
providing a thletic cha llenges to people with physica l
ha ndica ps.
The rea r-wheel-drive Astro is a fa vorite with va n
buyers who need m ore room a nd ca pa bility tha n
typica l front-wheel-drive va ns offer, but don’t wa nt
the bulk of a full-size va n.
Astro is a va ila ble in either rea r- or All-Wheel
Drive, a s a pa ssenger va n or a ca rgo va n with three
trim levels a va ila ble for the pa ssenger va n. Astro a lso
dem onstra tes its versa tility through its im pressive
ca rgo ha uling a nd towing ca pa bilities. On the inside,
Astro offers a s m uch a s 170.4 cubic feet of ca rgo room
— enough room to ha ul a 4' x 8' sheet of plywood
with the rea r doors closed.
Medium Gra y repla ces Gra y
a s a n interior color.
(see pa ge 6)
And, towing is no problem . When properly
*Excludes other GM vehicles.
1998 Product Information Guide
1998 Astro
provide custom ers broa d options in size,
power, econom y a nd utility. Chevy Express,
Chevy Va n, Astro Pa ssenger a nd Ca rgo Va n,
Chevy Venture a nd the new-for-’98 Venture
Ca rgo Miniva n ca n be equipped to m eet the
needs of virtua lly a ny va n custom er, whether
for persona l or com m ercia l use.
testing. The 1998 Astro exem plifies tha t dedi-
ca tion, providing a n outsta nding list of sa fety
fea tures. And, with a com prehensive system ,
em pha sizing cra sh a voida nce a nd occupa nt
protection, Astro owners not only get a
versa tile va n, but a dditiona l pea ce of m ind,
a s well.
Safety ... It’s in th e Bag
There’s been a lot of
discussion rega rding a ir ba g
sa fety. To help Astro owners
with a ir ba g sa fety, Chevrolet
developed these guidelines:
Infa nts in rea r-fa cing child
sa fety sea ts should never ride
in the front sea t of a vehicle
with a n a ctiva ted pa ssenger
a ir ba g
Ch evy Express — With sea ting for a s
m a ny a s 15 people, Chevy Express is
the idea l people m over a nd ca rgo ha uler.
It serves both com m ercia l a nd persona l
a pplica tions tha t require “a nything goes”
versa tility in a full-size va n.
Ch evy Va n — Offering full-size va n
flexibility a nd rugged truck dura bility,
Chevy Va n provides exceptiona l com fort,
im pressive sa fety fea tures, superior towing
ca pa bilities a nd is idea l for conversion
upfitting or serious ca rgo-ca rrying
Crash Avoidan ce Features
Sta nda rd Da ytim e Ru n n in g La m ps
(DRL) turn on a utom a tica lly when the
ignition is on to increa se Astro
Sm a ll children should ride in
a child sa fety sea t loca ted
a nd properly secured in the
center of the vehicle’s rea r
sea t. The child sa fety sea t
should m eet federa l require-
m ents for the child’s a ge a nd
size. (Astro offers optiona l
built-in dua l child sa fety sea ts
(m iddle row) which elim ina te
the need to ca rry individua l
child sa fety sea ts.)
visibility to other drivers. With DRL, the
la m ps run a t a lower intensity tha n
regula r hea dla m ps to reduce gla re to
oncom ing drivers. The DRL system is over-
ridden when the vehicle’s hea dla m ps
a re enga ged.
4-wh eel a n ti-lock bra ke system (ABS),
sta nda rd on Astro, a utom a tica lly
a djusts bra ke pressure to the front
a nd rea r wheels during ha rd-bra king
situa tions, m inim izing wheel lockup
a nd helping m a inta in steering control. All
the driver ha s to do is keep the bra ke
peda l down.
a pplica tions tha nks to a s m uch a s
316.8 cubic feet of ca rgo room .
Astro Va n — Chevy Astro Va n (pa ssenger
a nd ca rgo m odels) is a versa tile
workhorse, offering a com bina tion of
people-m oving (a s m a ny a s 8 pa ssengers),
ca rgo-ca rrying (a s m uch a s 170.4 cu. ft.)
a nd tra ilering ca pa bilities (a s m uch a s
5,500 lbs., when properly equipped).
Ven tu re — Chevy Venture com pletes the
Chevrolet fa m ily of va ns, offering tim e-
cha llenged custom ers optim um
flexibility, com fort a nd convenience, while
providing “spa ce on dem a nd,” im pressive
ride a nd ha ndling a nd the m ost sta nda rd
power of a ny m iniva n in its cla ss.
Children a ges 12 a nd
younger should ride buckled
up in a rea r sea t
Everyone should buckle both
la p a nd shoulder sa fety belts
on every trip
Driver a nd front-pa ssenger
sea ts should be m oved a s fa r
ba ck a s pra ctica l
Bra ke/ tra n sm ission sh ift in terlock,
a fea ture of the a utom a tic tra nsm ission,
requires drivers to depress the bra ke
peda l to shift out of Pa rk.
Rea r-sea t sa fety belt ch ild com fort
gu ides, sta nda rd on every Astro m odel,
a djust the a ngle of sa fety belt crossover,
m a king sa fety belts m ore com forta ble for
children a nd sm a ller sized a dults riding in
the interm edia te or rea r sea ts.
• Never pla ce a n object in the
a ir ba g deploym ent zone.
Slopin g h ood design a nd la rge windshield
contribute to roa d visibility.
With a long history of setting a utom otive
sa fety m ilestones, GM is a world lea der in
a utom otive sa fety resea rch, developm ent a nd
The Chevy family of vans includes Chevy Express (left), Chevy Van, Astro Van and Venture
1998 Product Information Guide
1998 Astro
Passlock® ... Th e Key to
Greater Security
m uch a s 170.4 cubic feet of ca rgo room with
the rea r sea ts rem oved — m ore tha n a ny of
the front-wheel-drive va ns offer. Sporting a n
ergonom ic instrum ent pa nel, Astro pla ces
com plete control a t your fingertips. Sta nda rd
instrum enta tion includes speedom eter,
coola nt tem pera ture, fuel level, oil pressure,
odom eter, trip odom eter a nd volta ge level.
Other Fea tures In clude:
SAFETY (con td.)
Occupan t Protection Features
Sta nda rd driver a n d fron t-pa ssen ger
a ir ba gs a re designed to supplem ent
sa fety belts, helping to restra in front-sea t
occupa nts in the event of a m odera te to
severe fronta l im pa ct.
Wouldn’t it be nice if a
vehicle ha d its own gua rdia n
a ngel to keep it secure when
the owner is not a round? Well,
Astro owners get the next
best thing — the security of a
sta nda rd Pa sslock® theft-
deterrent system .
A sta nda rd th ree-poin t en ergy-
a bsorbin g sa fety belt system helps
restra in outboa rd pa ssengers by distribut-
ing forces to help reduce chest injury.
Astro ba se a nd LS offer optiona l bu ilt-in
ch ild sa fety sea ts for the m iddle-row
sea ting positions tha t enha nce child sa fety
a s well a s sea ting convenience.
A sta nda rd slidin g-door ch ild secu rity
lock, positioned on the front of the sliding
door, prevents the door from being opened
from the inside when the lock is enga ged.
Rein forced sa fety-ca ge con stru ction
surrounds occupa nts with a cocoon-like
system of structura l com ponents. This
structure consists of reinforced roof ra ils
a nd door pilla rs a nd bea m s, which a re
designed to m inim ize intrusion into the
pa ssenger com pa rtm ent.
• Astro now fea tures sta nda rd
Pa sslock® theft-deterrent sys-
tem . Tota lly pa ssive, if a n
a ttem pt is m a de to sta rt the
With Pa sslock®, if a n
una uthorized a ttem pt is m a de
to sta rt the vehicle, the ignition
system is disa bled for ten
m inutes.
So, while Pa sslock® doesn’t
ha ve wings like m ost gua rdia n
a ngels, we’re pretty confident
tha t it ca n fly in the fa ce
of crim e.
vehicle without the proper key, the ignition
system is disa bled
A sta nda rd en gin e cover con ven ien ce
con sole includes such ha ndy fea tures a s
dua l a uxilia ry power outlets, dua l cup
holders, a glove box a nd a m a p net
Sta nda rd a ir con dition in g uses CFC-free
refrigera nt which does not contribute to
ozone depletion
Sta nda rd Scotch ga rdTM Protector helps
protect cloth sea ting surfa ces a nd floor
coverings from sta ins a nd m a kes
clea nups ea sy
Sta nda rd in term itten t va ria ble wipers
a llow the driver to m a tch wiper speed with
wea ther conditions for im proved visibility
Sta nda rd u n dersea t h ea t du cts provide
precise tem pera ture control to help m a ke
center- a nd rea r-row pa ssengers
com forta ble
Sta nda rd pa ssen ger a ssist h a n dles help
m a ke vehicle entry a nd exit ea sy
Sta nda rd wide-open in g rea r a n d side
doors m a ke loa ding a nd unloa ding ea sy
Sta nda rd door m a p pockets provide
convenient stora ge spa ce
Fron t a n d rea r cru sh zon es a re designed
to deform in a controlled m a nner in the
event of a collision to a bsorb im pa ct ener-
gy in order to reduce intrusion into the
pa ssenger com pa rtm ent.
En ergy-a bsorbin g steerin g colu m n
a nd instrum ent pa nel a re designed to
help a bsorb collision im pa ct, reducing
injury to the driver’s body.
La m in a ted win dsh ield sa fety gla ss
a nd tem pered side a nd rea r sa fety gla ss
help reduce occupa nt injuries a nd
ejection during a cra sh.
A sta nda rd ribbed loa d floor on Ca rgo
Va n m odels helps m a ke sliding hea vy
ca rgo ea sy
With a n interior designed with versa tility,
com fort a nd convenience in m ind, Astro ha s
a n im pressive roll ca ll of fea tures. Offering
five-, seven- or eight-pa ssenger sea ting,
depending on the m odel a nd sea ting
Tilt-Wh eelTM Adju sta ble Steerin g
a rra ngem ent selected, Astro a lso fea tures a s
1998 Product Information Guide
1998 Astro
Ava ila ble Sound System s Include:
Colu m n , sta nda rd on LS a nd LT a nd
optiona l with sta nda rd trim , ta ilors the
wheel to the m ost com forta ble, individua l-
ized steering position
All-Wh eel Drive ... On
A Van ?
Electron ica lly tu n ed AM/ FM stereo with
seek-sca n, digita l clock a nd six-spea ker
system is sta nda rd on a ll m odels
Electron ica lly tu n ed AM/ FM stereo with
ca ssette pla yer, seek-sca n a nd digita l
clock is a va ila ble on a ll m odels
Electron ica lly tu n ed AM/ FM stereo with
ca ssette pla yer, speed-com pensa ted
volum e, a utom a tic tone control, seek-sca n,
digita l clock, TheftLock security fea ture
a nd eight-spea ker system is optiona l on
a ll m odels*
All-wea th er tra ction isn ’t
th e exclu sive dom a in of 4x4
sport u tilities a n d picku ps.
Th e a va ila ble All-Wh eel-
Drive is ju st on e of th e fa ctors
th a t h elp m a ke th is m idsize
va n so versa tile.
Rea r com pa rtm en t con ven ien ce n et,
sta nda rd on LS a nd LT, helps prevent gro-
ceries a nd other sm a ll ca rgo item s from
sliding a round
A Rem ote Keyless En try system (included
with LT m odels, optiona l with LS, ba se
(1SB) a nd Astro Ca rgo Va n), tra nsm its a
uniquely coded high-frequency ra dio sig-
na l to
Under norm a l roa d
conditions, the All-Wheel-Drive
Astro provides full-tim e regula -
tion of power flow to a ll
wheels. As it senses roa d condi-
tions, the system a utom a tica lly
tra nsfers torque to front or rea r
wheels best a ble to provide
tra ction.
Electron ica lly tu n ed AM/ FM stereo
with com pa ct disc pla yer, seek-sca n,
digita l clock, a utom a tic tone control,
speed-com pensa ted volum e, TheftLock a nd
eight-spea ker system is optiona l on
a ll m odels*
Electron ica lly tu n ed AM/ FM stereo
with ca ssette pla yer, com pa ct disc
pla yer, seek-sca n, digita l clock, a utom a tic
tone control, speed-com pensa ted volum e,
TheftLock a nd eight-spea ker system is
optiona l on a ll m odels.*
a ctiva te power lock/unlock functions,
a s well a s illum ina ted entry
Hom eLin k 3-ch a n n el tra n sm itter,
optiona l on LS a nd LT m odels with a va il-
a ble roof console, m em orizes the a ctiva -
tion codes for a s m uch a s three rem ote-
control devices (such a s ga ra ge door, ga te
a nd security lights), reducing clutter in the
Astro Drivers Aren ’t
Left In Th e Dark
Astro in terior ligh tin g
a utom a tica lly sta ys on briefly
a fter the la st door is closed, or
until the ignition key is turned.
Audio System s
While it’s im possible to foreca st everyone’s
m usica l ta stes, Astro offers a sound system
with the technology a nd fea tures designed to
com plem ent a ll va rieties of m usic, from ja zz
to country a nd in-between. Uplevel ca ssette
a nd com pa ct disc pla yer system s fea ture
speed-com pensa ted volum e, which a utom a ti-
ca lly com pensa tes for roa d noise by a djusting
the a udio volum e to the vehicle’s speed, a s
well a s a utom a tic tone control, which sets
equa lizer levels with one touch for ta lk a nd a
va riety of m usic progra m s.
Center-row ra dio controls a re a va ila ble
with the uplevel ca ssette a nd dua l pla yba ck
ca ssette/com pa ct disc pla yer system s. This
ha ndy fea ture, which includes dua l a udio
controls a nd dua l hea dphone ja cks, a llows
center-row pa ssengers to listen to a different
m usic source (ra dio a nd ca ssette ta pe or
com pa ct disc, depending on sound system
selected) a t a different volum e tha n front-sea t
pa ssengers.
*Cargo Van models offer four front-door speakers and
rear speaker wiring.
Astro fea tures a num ber of sea ting
a rra ngem ents designed to a ccom m oda te a s
m a ny a s eight pa ssengers, depending upon
sea ting configura tion a nd m odel chosen.
Front pa ssengers a re protected by la p a nd
shoulder sa fety belts a nd hea d restra ints,
while pa ssengers in the interm edia te a nd rea r
bench sea ts ha ve la p sa fety belts for a ll pa s-
sengers a nd shoulder sa fety belts a nd hea d
restra ints for the outboa rd sea ting positions.
Integra ted child sa fety sea ts a re a va ila ble
for the interm edia te sea t’s two outboa rd
positions (optiona l ba se a nd on LS).
Astro LT m odels ha ve a va ila ble Specia l
Lea ther sea ting surfa ces (Medium Gra y a nd
Neutra l only).
1998 Product Information Guide
1998 Astro
Altern a te Sea ting Pa cka ges
Man y Astro Own ers
En joy goin g Dutch
For th ose lookin g for a
7-pa ssenger sea ting includes:
4 high-ba ck reclining bucket sea ts
3-pa ssenger a djusta ble rea r-row
sea t.
differen t kin d of look a n d
fu n ction , Astro is a va ila ble
with option a l rea r Du tch
doors — split-pa nel doors
below a one-piece liftga te win-
dow. Dutch doors offer a ll the
versa tility of a double rea r door
plus the enha nced visibility of
a full rea r window.
Opera tion is ea sy with the
electric relea se a nd ga s struts
on the liftga te window. An
interm ittent rea r wiper/wet-a rm
wa sher is included with the
Dutch doors option a nd a rea r
defogger is optiona l.
8-pa ssenger sea ting* includes:
2 high-ba ck front reclining bucket
sea ts a nd 2 3-pa ssenger a djusta ble
rea r bench sea ts.*
*2 split-back rear bench seats with LT trim.
Front high-ba ck reclining Custom Vinyl
bucket sea ts with a djusta ble 3-pa ssenger
center-row bench sea t — sta nda rd on Astro
Pa ssenger Va n with sta nda rd trim a nd
Ca rgo Va n (which includes only front
sea ts).
In terior Colors
• Astro now fea tures Medium
Gra y a s a n interior color choice.
Other colors include:
Na vy
Neutra l
†Not available on standard Astro with 5-passenger
A Sh in in g Exam ple of
Astro Value
New for 1998, Astro fea tures
a n im proved clea rcoa t pa int
(interim a va ila bility) tha t helps
protect the exterior a ga inst
environm enta l da m a ge.
Is it rea lly better tha n la st
yea r’s m odel? Yes. The exterior
of Astro now ha s a n even
grea ter a bility to resist wa ter-
spotting, a cid ra in a nd envi-
ronm enta l-etch da m a ge. And,
tha t a dds significa ntly to the
overa ll long-la sting dura bility
Astro owners enjoy.
The exterior of Astro is designed for
long-la sting a ttra ctiveness. Severa l corrosion
protection techniques a re em ployed to help
ensure tha t the exterior will look like new for
yea rs to com e.
Front high-ba ck reclining Custom Cloth
a djusta ble bucket sea ts with folding
integra l a rm rests a nd a djusta ble
3-pa ssenger center- a nd rea r-row bench
sea ts — sta nda rd on LS, a va ila ble with
sta nda rd trim a nd on Ca rgo Va n (front
sea ts only).
Two-side ga lva nized steel is used for a ll
m a jor exterior body pa nels (except the
roof, where it is not needed) to help pre-
vent surfa ce rust due to m inor chips a nd
scra tches.
The Astro body, door a nd hood receive
further corrosion protection from a
seven-sta ge zinc phospha te wa sh a nd
zinc-rich corrosion-resista nt prim er.
Specia l sea lers a re a pplied to body sea m s
for a dded corrosion protection before fina l
a ssem bly.
All lower-body pa nels (except cla dded
m odels) receive a uretha ne a nti-chip coa t-
ing for a dded protection a ga inst stone
da m a ge a nd roa d debris, a nd hot wa x is
spra yed on the underbody.
Front reclining Specia l Cloth or Specia l
Lea ther high-ba ck bucket sea ts with fold-
ing integra l a rm rests a nd a djusta ble hea d-
rest. Split-ba ck center- a nd rea r-row sea ts
with fold-down center console, conve-
nience tra y a nd cup holders — sta nda rd
on LT in Specia l Cloth, optiona l on LT with
Specia l Lea ther sea ting surfa ces.
•An a lum inized sta inless-steel m uffler a nd
ta ilpipe provide enha nced dura bility.
1998 Product Information Guide
1998 Astro
Silverm ist Meta llic
Light Ca rm ine Red Meta llic.
Other Fea tures In clude:
Not En ough Tim e On
Your Han ds?
Astro Pa ssengers m odels with YF7 a nd
sta nda rd trim ha ve a sm ooth front fa scia
a nd rea r bum per, pa inted body-color
Dra m a tic styling is provided by body-side
cla dding (sta nda rd on LS a nd LT; optiona l
on Ca rgo Va n m odels with YF7 Upfitter
Pa cka ge)
Let Astro h elp give you
som e of you r tim e ba ck. The
sta nda rd Vortec 4300 V6 SFI
offers a va riety of tim e-sa ving
(a nd cost-reducing), extended
m a intena nce fea tures tha t
m a ke owning Astro ea sy.
Astro is m a nufa ctured a t a Genera l Motors
a ssem bly pla nt in Ba ltim ore, Ma ryla nd
There, a precise com bina tion of design tech-
nology, sophistica ted a ssem bly a nd sta tistica l
process control tea m up to a ssure Astro qua li-
ty. Extensive use of robotics in welding, pa int-
ing a nd other a rea s provide a high degree of
production consistency. A com puterized
torque m onitoring system , which verifies the
correct tightening of critica l nuts a nd bolts in
the a ssem bly process, is one of m a ny
a dva nced a utom a ted processes. These a nd
other high-tech production m ethods tra nsla te
into snug fits throughout the body, strong,
sea m less welds a nd a rich, superb-qua lity
pa int finish.
Pla tinum -tip spa rk plugs
give Astro the a bility to
tra vel up to 100,000 m iles
before the first scheduled
Sta nda rd Sola r-Ra y tinted gla ss im proves
interior com fort a nd enha nces protection
a ga inst ultra violet a nd infra red sola r ra ys
(deep tint on LS a nd LT m odels)
The spa re tire is m ounted under the body
to increa se interior room a nd includes a
winch-type ca rrier to help lower or ra ise
the spa re ea sily into its stora ge position.
Extended-life coola nt doesn’t
need to be cha nged up to 5
yea rs or 150,000 m iles,
whichever com es first.*
There is no need to
check engine tim ing.
A single a ccessory drive belt
helps reduce repla cem ent
costs over tra ditiona l belt
Exterior Pain t
Sta nda rd ba secoa t/clea rcoa t pa int on
Astro resists fa ding a nd provides a high-gloss
shine for long-la sting exterior bea uty.
• Astro now fea tures etch-
Astro ha s a u n ibody (in tegra l fra m e)
stru ctu re tha t incorpora tes a pa rtia l front
la dder-type stub-fra m e with the floor
pa nels, a dding rigidity without excessive
weight. This design m a xim izes strength
a nd pa yloa d ca pa city.
The underbody, right- a nd left-side pa nels,
roof pa nel a nd front end a re m a de from
sin gle-piece sta m pin gs, for increa sed
structura l rigidity.
Sin gle-piece con stru ction of the front-
door fra m es, window fra m es, side- a nd
rea r-door openings protects a ga inst
corrosion by elim ina ting vulnera ble
sea m s.
Som e pa rts — such a s the ra dia tor coola nt
reservoir, the windshield wa sher reservoir
a nd the fuel ta nk shield — a re com posed
prim a rily of pla stic resin a nd a re la beled
to fa cilita te recycling.
resista nt clea rcoa t pa int
(interim a va ila bility) tha t helps
reduce da m a ge ca used by
Other Astro “Ea sy-To-Own ”
Fea tures In clude:
An a lum inized sta inless-
steel m uffler a nd ta ilpipe
tha t provide long-la sting
dura bility
wa ter-spotting, a cid
ra in a nd environm enta l etch. This
clea rcoa t finish is used with a ll colors —
solids a nd m eta llics.
Lon g-life a u tom a tic tra n s-
m ission fluid will not need
to be repla ced for a t lea st
100,000 m iles under norm a l
opera ting conditions*
Exterior Colors
New Pa in t Colors For ’98:
Medium Ca det Blue Meta llic
Da rk Copper Meta llic
Da rk Forest Green Meta llic.
Scotchga rd™ Protector tha t
helps resist sta ins on cloth
a nd floor ca rpeting to m a ke
clea nups quick a nd ea sy
Genuine Custom er Ca re —
Bum per to Bum per 3-yea r/
36,000-m ile lim ited
wa rra nty, 24-hour Roa dside
Assista nce a nd, a t
Other Colors:
Light Autum nwood Meta llic
Ivory White
Tea l Blue Meta llic
Cherry Ice Meta llic
Da rk Purple Meta llic
pa rticipa ting dea lerships,
Courtesy Tra nsporta tion.
*Maintenance needs vary with different
uses and driving conditions. See owner’s
manual for more information.
1998 Product Information Guide
1998 Astro
Control Module (VCM) to m onitor fuel
delivery, ignition tim ing a nd the em issions
system to detect deteriora tion or
m a lfunction.
If a problem is detected, a Dia gnostic
Trouble Code (DTC) is stored a nd indica tes
the type of fa ult detected.
The VCM stores a nd retrieves dia gnostic
m essa ges to help technicia ns fix problem s
quickly a nd a ccura tely.
The VCM a lerts the driver by illum ina ting
the “Service Engine Soon” light when it
detects a deteriora tion in the perform a nce
of a ny of the m onitored com ponents.
Unlike first-genera tion system s tha t
signa led only system fa ilures, OBD II
a lerts the driver to ha ve the vehicle
serviced before experiencing a possible
brea kdown or incurring m ore expensive
repa irs.
Tran sm ission Fluid?
Don ’t Give It A Secon d
Th ough t
Ch evrolet a u tom a tic
tra n sm ission s like th e 4L60-E
a re “lu bed for life,” th a n ks to
exten ded-life tra n sm ission
flu id. This fluid should never
need cha nging under norm a l
opera ting conditions since
it fea tures a specia l a dditive
tha t resists oxida tion,
Vortec 4300 V6 En gin e (L35)
A Vortec 4300 V6 engine with Sequentia l
Fuel Injection (SFI) is sta nda rd on Astro. This
refined V6 is one of the m ost a dva nced
engines in its cla ss. It provides:
provides outsta nding friction
cha ra cteristics a nd is
com pa tible with the wide ra nge
of m a teria ls used in toda y’s
tra nsm issions. Even the cha nge
interva l for severe service —
50,000 m iles — is three tim es
tha t of its predecessor fluid.
190 horsepower a t 4400 rpm
250 lb.-ft. of torque a t 2800 rpm .
Exten ded-Life Service Item s In clude:
Pla tin u m -tip spa rk plu gs for extended
service interva ls*
No need to check en gin e tim in g — ever
Exten ded-life coola n t good for a s long a s
5 yea rs or 150,000 m iles, whichever com es
Sin gle a ccessory drive belt helps reduce
repla cem ent costs com pa red to tra ditiona l
belt designs.
Wh ere’d Th at Jerk Go?
Ch evrolet a u tom a tic
tra n sm ission s like th e
4L60-E provide own ers with a
sm ooth drivin g experien ce.
There wa s a tim e when a
sm ooth driving experience wa s
reserved for luxury vehicles
only, a nd certa inly not to be
expected in a va n. No longer.
Now, tha nks to tra nsm issions
like the 4L60-E, electronic shift
control helps reduce wha t som e
used to ca ll a “som ewha t jerky”
opera tion. The electronic
Sequentia l Fuel Injection, sta nda rd on
a ll 1998 Astro m odels, is a fa r cry from yester-
da y’s fuel-control system s, such a s Electronic
Fuel Injection or Multi-Port Fuel Injection. SFI
optim izes fuel econom y, power output a nd
the a bility to m eet toda y’s stringent em issions
control requirem ents.
*Maintenance needs vary with different uses and driving
conditions. See owner’s manual for more information.
SFI’s secret is its high precision fuel control
which uses one injector a nd nozzle per
cylinder for optim um cylinder-to-cylinder
fuel distribution.
On-Boa rd Dia gnostics for Astro is
highly sophistica ted, tha nks to OBD II
(On-Boa rd Dia gnostics Second Genera tion),
a 1996 federa l m a nda te.
Ea ch injector is fired sequentia lly a nd
tim ed to the inta ke cycle for a ccura cy a nd
m etering control. (With non-SFI engines,
fuel is typica lly injected twice per cycle or
once per cra nksha ft revolution through a ll
injectors a t the sa m e tim e. With SFI, the
tim ing is m uch m ore precise, lea ding to
perform a nce im provem ents a cross the
boa rd.)
control m a kes possible very
sm ooth shift pa tterns a t a ll
vehicle speeds.
The system ca n m ea n fa ster, repa irs for
consum ers. Ta ke better engine dia gnosis,
for exa m ple. In low-level engine m isfire,
ba d fuel, im proper m a intena nce, cra cked
spa rkplug insula tion or plugged fuel injec-
tors ca n a ll lea d to a m isfire dia gnosis
tha t’s picked up by OBD II.
So, whether the m ission is
ta king the versa tile Astro out
for a fa m ily drive, or ha uling a
loa d of hea vy thinga m a jigs
a cross town, the 4L60-E helps
a ssure a sm ooth ride.
OBD II functions by using a Vehicle
1998 Product Information Guide
1998 Astro
The 4L60-E’s wide ra n ge of gea r ra tios
enha nces both perform a nce a nd fuel
econom y. The 3.06:1 first-gea r ra tio
provides high torque m ultiplica tion for
initia l a ccelera tion. The Overdrive 0.70:1
fourth gea r lowers engine rpm a t highwa y
speeds, providing enha nced fuel
econom y a nd m inim izing wea r.
The 4L60-E fea tures electronic controls
designed to provide precision a nd
INJECTION (SFI) (con td.)
ABS — Un learn in g Old
A m a ss a irflow m eter consta ntly m ea sures
the engine’s a ir requirem ents under
va rying conditions, such a s cha nges in
loa d, a ltitude a nd tem pera ture. In a n SFI
system , the m a ss a irflow m eter is essentia l
for a ccura te fuel delivery.
Bu yin g a veh icle with
a n ti-lock bra kes m a y requ ire
drivers, u n fa m ilia r with th is
fea tu re, to “u n lea rn ” pa st
bra kin g h a bits. Drivers,
a ccustom ed to tra ditiona l
bra ke system s, ha ve been
ta ught to “pum p” the bra ke
peda l when bra king ha rd on
slippery surfa ces to keep the
ca r’s wheels from locking up.
With ABS, the system wa s
designed to “pum p” the
bra kes fa ster tha n is m a nua lly
possible, a utom a tica lly a djust-
ing the bra ke pressure to the
wheels independently to a void
wheel lockup. All the driver ha s
to do is keep firm pressure on
the bra ke peda l. To becom e
fa m ilia r with the system , dri-
vers should ta ke the vehicle to
a n unoccupied pa rking lot
(prefera bly one with slick
pa vem ent) a nd pra ctice sudden
ha rd-bra king m a neuvers to get
a feel for the system .
The injector nozzle’s design a nd optim um
loca tion produce a n effective spra y pa ttern
tha t contributes to the engine’s sm ooth
idle a nd im pressive fuel efficiency.
flexibility. The Powertra in Con trol
Modu le (PCM) m ea sures key vehicle
input, including throttle position, vehicle
speed, gea r ra nge, tem pera ture a nd engine
loa d. Four solenoids tha t a re connected to
the PCM control shift points a nd shift
sm oothness.
The PCM a cts a s a n interfa ce between the
engine a nd tra nsm ission to provide the
feel of a virtu a lly “sea m less” powertra in .
Sh ift tim in g is controlled electronica lly by
signa ls sent to the va lve body’s shift
solenoids, which a ctiva te the shift va lves
a nd execute the gea r cha nges.
A bra ke/ tra n sm ission sh ift in terlock is
sta nda rd on Astro. The interlock requires
the driver to a pply the bra ke peda l to shift
out of Pa rk.
A secon d-gea r sta rt fea tu re provides a n
extra m ea sure of control in ha za rdous
driving conditions. The driver ca n reduce
torque to the drive wheels by m oving the
gea r selector to the Drive 2 position,
thereby increa sing control during initia l
a ccelera tion on slippery surfa ces.
4L60-E 4-Speed Electron ic
Autom atic Tran sm ission
GM’s 4L60-E 4-speed a utom a tic Overdrive
tra nsm ission is sta nda rd equipm ent on
Astro. The 4L60-E’s “intelligent” electronic
controls a llow the tra nsm ission to m a tch the
engine’s perform a nce, delivering outsta nding
fuel efficiency.
New is a two-piece tra n sm ission ca se
tha t reduces vibra tion a nd noise.
A new, electron ica lly con trolled torqu e
con verter clu tch helps im prove opera ting
efficiency a nd drivea bility.
A deeper tra n sm ission oil pa n
im proves overa ll tra nsm ission
4L60-E is fa ctory-filled with lon g-life
a u tom a tic tra n sm ission fluid will not
need to be repla ced for a t lea st 100,000
m iles under norm a l opera ting conditions*
dura bility a nd fluid life.
*Maintenance needs vary with different uses and driving
conditions. See owner’s manual for more information.
1998 Product Information Guide
1998 Astro
GM Mobility Program
Ch evrolet recogn izes th e
im porta n ce of m obility to
everyon e’s life a n d, th erefore,
offers fin a n cia l a ssista n ce to
person s with disa bilities
th rou gh th e Gen era l Motors
Mobility Progra m . This
progra m ca n provide fina ncia l
a ssista nce — a s m uch a s
$1,000 — towa rd the cost of
a ny a fterm a rket a da ptive
equipm ent for drivers or
pa ssengers a nd/or vehicle
“a lerting devices” for dea f a nd
hea ring-im pa ired drivers. A
specia l fea ture of the progra m
is single-tra nsa ction GMAC
fina ncing for the vehicle a nd
its a da ptive a ids. Further
deta ils a re a va ila ble by
Fron t
Astro fea tures sta nda rd Electronic
Va ria ble Orifice (EVO) steering. EVO is a n
electronica lly controlled power steering
system tha t im proves steering ea se a t lower
vehicle speeds (e.g., pa rking). At higher
vehicle speeds, steering effort reverts to
norm a l levels for better on-center feel.
In keeping with its versa tile na ture, Astro
offers different suspensions ta ilored to specific
custom er needs.
The torsion ba rs on All-Wheel-Drive
m odels use m icro-a lloyed spring steel tha t
elim ina tes torsion ba r a da pter tubes —
providing low m a ss a nd contributing to
overa ll fuel econom y.
Power front disc/rea r drum bra kes a re
sta nda rd on Astro.
A flu id dra in plu g on the differentia l
ca rrier m a kes service ea sy.
All-Wheel-Drive m odels fea ture u pper a n d
lower con trol a rm s, a sta bilizer ba r a n d
torsion ba rs. The torsion ba rs a re
com puter-selected to optim ize ride a nd
ha ndling.
La rge (11.5-inch dia m eter AWD; 11.8-inch
RWD) ven tila ted fron t rotors provide
excellent bra ke cooling.
Au dible pa d-wea r sen sors a lert the driver
when bra ke pa d m a intena nce is needed.
GM’s a wa rd-winning ABS VI a nti-lock
bra ke system is sta nda rd equipm ent. Som e
things to keep in m ind a bout a nti-
lock bra kes:
Rea r-wheel-drive m odels fea ture a n
in depen den t fron t su spen sion with upper
a nd lower control a rm s, a sta bilizer ba r
a nd com puter-selected, friction-free coil
Specia lly tuned 32m m deflected disc
sh ock a bsorbers a re sta nda rd on RWD
a nd AWD m odels.
ca lling the GM Mobility
Assista nce Center a t
1-800-323-9935. The hea ring
im pa ired ca n conta ct the
Custom er Assista nce Center a t
– ABS helps m a inta in steering control
during severe bra king situa tions a nd
m inim izes wheel lockup on m ost
slippery surfa ces. All the driver ha s to do
is firm ly hold the bra ke peda l down
a nd steer.
Rea r a xle sh a fts a re ha rdened for fa tigue
resista nce a nd dura bility.
Va ria ble-ra te, steel m u lti-lea f rea r
sprin gs provide a sm ooth ride a nd
m inim ize jounce.
Sarah Will Wom an ’s
Sport Foun dation
– ABS ca n a djust bra ke pressure by
m odula ting the bra kes severa l tim es
per second, a t a ra te even the m ost
skilled drivers ca n’t duplica te.
– The system a utom a tica lly a djusts the
bra ke-line pressure a t the wheels. Drivers
should not “pum p” the bra kes in
em ergency bra king situa tions. Ra ther,
they should m a inta in consta nt pressure
on the bra ke peda l, a llowing the system
to work effectively.
As a fu rth er prom otion of
th e Gen era l Motors Mobility
Progra m , Astro is a prou d
spon sor of th e Sa ra h Will
Wom a n ’s Sport Fou n da tion , a
group dedica ted to providing
com petitive a thletic cha llenges
to physica lly ha ndica pped.
Sa ra h Will is a skier a nd a
m em ber of the Ba rrier Brea kers.
Ada ptively equipped Astro
m odels a re used for
All-Wheel-Drive m odels a re a va ila ble with
two a xle ra tios:
3.42:1 for m id-ra nge towing needs
3.73:1 for m a xim um torque a nd towing
ca pa bility.
Three a xle ra tios a re a va ila ble for rea r-
wheel-drive Astro m odels:
3.23:1 for m a xim um fuel econom y
3.42:1 for m id-ra nge towing needs
3.73:1 for m a xim um torque a nd towing
ca pa bility.
tra nsporta tion to different
a thletic events.
1998 Product Information Guide
1998 Astro
Cou rtesy
Tra n sporta tion
Custom ers who
(By Model Year)
Introduced in 1985 a s a “m id-
size” a lterna tive to m iniva ns.
15" sta nda rd steel,
purcha se or lea se a Chevy Astro a re eligible
for Courtesy Tra nsporta tion (a t no cha rge)
when their vehicles a re left a t a pa rticipa ting
dea lership for repa irs covered under the 3-
yea r/ 36,000-m ile Bum per to Bum per Lim ited
Wa rra nty. Courtesy Tra nsporta tion, a t pa rtici-
pa ting dea lers only, m a y include shuttle ser-
vice, expense reimbursement, or, if the repairs
require leaving the vehicle overnight, a vehicle
rental. Owners should see their dea ler for
deta ils.
pa inted Argent with
bright hubca p.
1986 — Throttle-body fuel
injection on 4.3 Liter V6.
1987 — New Touring
Pa cka ge; serpentine belt
engine a ccessory drive.
1988 — Anti-corrosion
im provem ents.
1989 — Rea r-wheel a nti-lock
bra kes a nd electronic
speedom eter; Goodyea r
GT+4 tires a va ila ble.
1990 — All-Wheel-Drive
Pa ssenger a nd Conversion
Va ns; extended wheelba se
m odels debut; four-wheel
a nti-lock bra kes; increa sed
sta nda rd equipm ent for a ll
trim levels.
15" x 6.5" styled-steel,
pa inted (sta nda rd with
1SB, optiona l with sta n-
da rd trim a nd on Ca rgo
Va n).
24-Hou r Roa dside
Assista n ce
Lost? We’ll help you
15" x 6.5" chrom e-
find your wa y. Locked out? We’ll get you ba ck
in your Astro. Out of ga s? We’ll get you ga s.
Roa dside Assista nce is provided via a toll-free
num ber 24 hours a da y, 365 da ys a yea r.
Roa dside Assista nce is offered in two levels of
service, Ba sic Ca re a nd Courtesy Ca re.
Roa dside Ba sic Ca re covers you a s long a s
you own your Astro, a nd provides:
cla dded styled-steel (sta n-
da rd on LS with 1SC,
optiona l on other
m odels).
15" x 6.5" brushed
1991 — 4.3-Liter V6 engine
with EFI increa sed to 170
1992 — Enha nced-4.3 Liter
Vortec V6 engine — optiona l
on 2WD, sta nda rd on AWD;
optiona l Dutch doors.
1993 — Electronica lly-
controlled 4L60-E
tra nsm ission introduced.
1994 — Side-door bea m s;
driver a ir ba g; CFC-free
R-134a a ir conditioning
refrigera nt introduced.
1995 — New front-end
a ppea ra nce; sta nda rd
enha nced Vortec 4.3L-V6
with CPI.
1996 — New interior;
pa ssenger-side a ir ba g
a dded; im proved Vortec
4300 V6 engine.
a lum inum (optiona l with
sta nda rd trim , Ca rgo Va n
with YF7 Upfitter Pa cka ge
a nd LS with 1SD a nd LT).
Free towing for wa rra nty repa irs
(to closest dea ler)
Over-the-phone ba sic technica l a dvice
Ava ila ble dea ler services a t rea sona ble
costs (i.e., wrecker services, locksm ith/
key service, gla ss repa ir, etc.).
Chevrolet owners a re covered by Genuine
Custom er Ca re, a com prehensive owner
protection pla n tha t includes the following:
Bu m per to Bu m per
Roa dside Cou rtesy ca re is a va ila ble to
you for a period of three yea rs or 36,000 m iles
(whichever com es first), a nd provides:
Free towing (to closest dea ler)
Free locksm ith/key service (when keys a re
lost on the roa d or locked inside)
Free fla t tire service, jum p sta rt,
fuel delivery.
Wa rra n ty
The GM 3-yea r/
36,000-m ile (whichever com es first), no-
deductible, lim ited wa rra nty covers repa irs for
a ll Chevrolet ca rs, including la bor a nd pa rts,
to correct a ny defects in m a teria l or work-
m a nship occurring during the wa rra nty peri-
od. Wa rra nty fea tures include a ir condition-
ing repa ir, tires, towing, no-cost wa rra nty
tra nsfer a nd 6-yea r/100,000-m ile (whichever
com es first) sheet-m eta l rust-through protec-
tion. There a lso is em issions control system
covera ge, which va ries by geogra phic loca -
tion. The only item not covered by the wa r-
ra nty is norm a l m a intena nce.
Important — a word about this document: We have tried
to make this document as comprehensive and factual as
possible. We reserve the right, however, to make changes at
any time, without notice, in colors, materials, equipment,
specifications, models and availability. Some information
may have been updated since the time of printing, June
1997.A note about air bags: Always wear safety belts,
even with air bags.General Motors, GM, the GM Emblem,
Chevrolet, the Chevrolet Emblem, Astro, Chevy Van, ETR,
Solar-Ray, and TheftLock are registered trademarks and
Chevy, Chevy Express, Passlock®, Venture and Vortec are
trademarks of the General Motors Corporation. Scotchgard
is a trademark of the 3M Corp. Homelink is a registered
trademark of the Prince Corp. ©1997 General Motors
Corporation. All rights reserved. Some artwork contained
within this text is for representation purposes only.
1997 — Da ytim e Running
La m ps (DRL); Electronic
Va ria ble Orifice (EVO) power
1998 Product Information Guide
1998 Astro Feature Availability
St a n d a r d
Ca r g o Va n
Air Ba g s – Dua l
Air Co n d it io n in g – Fro n t , Wit h CFC-Fre e Re frig e ra n t
– Fro n t a n d Re a r
Co n ve n ie n ce Gro up – Tilt -Wh e e l™ & Sp e e d Co n t ro l
– Po w e r Win d o w s
Do o r Be a m s – Sid e Im p a ct
Do o r Trim – Drive r a n d Pa sse n g e r, co lo r-ke ye d clo t h / ca rp e t
He a d lin e r – Co lo r-Ke ye d Clo t h
Ga ug e s – Fue l le ve l, Od o m e t e r, Oil Pre ssure , Sp e e d o m e t e r, Te m p e ra t ure
Ga ug e , Trip Od o m e t e r, Vo lt m e t e r
Lig h t s, In t e rio r – De la ye d e n t ry
Lo cks – Po w e r Do o r
Pa sslo ck® Th e ft -De t e rre n t Syst e m
Sco t ch g a rd TM Pro t e ct o r
Se a t in g – 5-Pa sse n g e r
– 8-Pa sse n g e r
– 7-Pa sse n g e r
– 2-Pa sse n g e r
Se a t s – Vin yl Fro n t Re clin in g Bucke t s & Ce n t e r Be n ch
– Clo t h Fro n t Re clin in g Bucke t s & Tw o Be n ch
– Sp e cia l Clo t h Fro n t Re clin in g Bucke t s & Tw o Sp lit -Be n ch
– Sp e cia l Le a t h e r Fro n t Re clin in g Bucke t s & Tw o Sp lit -Be n ch
– Vin yl Fro n t Re clin in g Bucke t s
Se a t Pa cka g e – Arm re st s, Ma p Po cke t , Lum b a r Sup p o rt 1
St e e rin g Wh e e l – Bla ck Fo ur-Sp o ke
– Bla ck Le a t h e r Wra p p e d
St e re o – ETR AM/ FM w it h Dig it a l Clo ck
– ETR AM/ FM w it h Ca sse t t e Pla ye r An d Dig it a l Clo ck
– ETR AM/ FM w it h Ca sse t t e An d Co m p a ct Disc Pla ye rs
– Re a r Se a t Ra d io Co n t ro ls a n d Ja cks
St o ra g e Co m p a rt m e n t – Le ft Re a r Qua rt e r, Th ird Se a t Are a
Sun sh a d e s
Clo t h w / Ma p Ba n d s, Ext e n d e rs
– Clo t h w / Lig h t e d Mirro rs, Ext e n d e rs
– Vin yl Co lo r-Ke ye d w / Ma p Ba n d s
Wa rn in g To n e – He a d la m p s-On Wa rn in g Buzze r
Win d o w s – Sw in g -Out o n Slid in g Do o r, LF Qua rt e r Pa n e l
Win d o w s – Sw in g -Out o n Re a r Do o r
Wip e rs – In t e rm it t e n t Va ria b le
Da yt im e Run n in g La m p s (DRL)
Do o rs – Slid in g RH Sid e , RH a n d LH Re a r Lo a d in g
Do o rs – Re a r Dut ch w / Lift g la ss
Mirro rs – Be lo w Eye lin e Fo ld a w a y, Bla ck
– Be lo w Eye lin e Ele ct ric Re m o t e Co n t ro l, Bla ck
Tire s – P215/ 75R-15 All-Se a so n Bla ckw a ll
– P215/ 75R-15 All-Se a so n Wh it e Le t t e re d
Wh e e ls – St e e l 15" x 6" Silve r Pa in t e d w / Bla ck Ce n t e r Ca p
– St yle d -St e e l 15" x 6" Silve r Pa in t e d
– St yle d -St e e l 15" x 6" Ch ro m e -Cla d d e d
– Brush e d Alum in um 15" x 6"
Bra ke s – 4-Wh e e l An t i-Lo ck (ABS)
– Po w e r, Fro n t Disc/ Re a r Drum
Ca rg o Ca p a cit y – Up To 170.4 cu. ft .
En g in e – Vo rt e c 4300 V6 SFI
Fue l Ca p a cit y – 25-Ga llo n
Re m o t e Ke yle ss En t ry
Susp e n sio n – To urin g
Tra ile rin g Ca p a cit y– 5500 lb s.
Tra n sm issio n – 4-Sp e e d Ele ct ro n ica lly Co n t ro lle d Aut o m a t ic
S — Standard. O — Optional [some options may be available only as part of a Preferred Equipment Group (PEG)]. NA — Not available. 1 Available with cloth trim only.
Included with standard trim PEG and 1SC, LS, LT decor. 2 Cargo Van model and Passenger Van model when center- and rear-row seats are removed. 3 When properly
1998 Product Information Guide
1998 Astro Specifications
Astro Van RWD/AWD
5–8 (Passenger Van), 2 (Cargo Van)
Midsize Van
Assembly Plant
Primary Structure
Body Material
Baltimore, Maryland
Unibody, Integral Steel Stub Frame
Two-Side Galvanized Steel (except roof)
SP ECIFICATIONS & CAPACITIES (in ch es, u n less ot h er w ise n ot ed )
Exterior Dimensions
Overall Length
Overall Height
Maximum Width
Ground to Rear Load Floor
Ground Clearance Front/Rear
Interior Dimensions*
Headroom (front/mid./rear)
Legroom (front/mid./rear)
Shoulder Room (front/mid./rear)
Hip room (front/mid./rear)
Curb Weight (min.) (lbs.)
Maximum GVWR (lbs.)
Base Payload (std.) (lbs.)
Cargo Capacity (cu. ft.)
Max. Trailer Capacity (lbs.)
Fuel Tank Capacity (gal.)
*Front interior dimensions also apply for Astro Cargo Van models.
Steering Ratio
Turning Diameter, Curb-to-Curb (ft.)
Integral Power w/EVO
Integral Power w/EVO
1998 Product Information Guide
1998 Astro Specifications
Hydraulic Power Front Disc/Rear Drum 4-Wheel ABS
Front Size (disc) (in.)
11.86 x 1.04
9.5 x 2.0
11.57 x 1.25
9.5 x 2.0
Rear Size (drum) (in.)
Booster Diaphragm
Parking Brake
Cable to Rear Wheels
Cable to Rear Wheels
Block Material
Vortec 4300 V6
4.00 x 3.48/101.6 x 88.4
Cylinder Head Material
Bore & Stroke (in./mm)
Displacement (cu. in./cc)
Compression Ratio
Induction System
Cam Drive
Hydraulic Roller
Horsepower @ rpm (SAE net)
Torque @ rpm (SAE net)
Redline (rpm)
190 @ 4400
250 @ 2800
Recommended Fuel (min.)
87 Octane
Model Availability
Transmission Type
4-Speed Electronically-Controlled Automatic w/Overdrive & Torque Converter
Integral/Unibody; Partial Ladder-
Integral/Unibody; Partial Ladder-
Type Frame Incorp. w/Floor Panels Type Frame Incorp. w/Floor Panels
Independent w/Coil Springs
Variable-Rate Steel
Multi-Leaf Springs
Independent w/Torsion Bars
Variable-Rate Steel
Multi-Leaf Springs
Shocks, Front/Rear (mm)
Anti-Roll Bar, Front (mm)
Rear Axle
*RWD Astro Cargo Van front anti-roll bar is 28mm.
1998 Product Information Guide
1998 Astro Specifications
4-Speed Automatic
w/Vortec 4300 V6
4-Speed Automatic
w/Vortec 4300 V6 AWD
Est. Cruising Range:
*Based on 1997 information.
Trailer Classification
Gross Trailer Weight (lbs., up to)
Max Tongue Load (lbs.)
15 x 6
Size (in.)
15 x 6.5
Chrome-Cladded Styled-Steel
15 x 6.5
15 x 6.5
*15" x 6.5" Steel Wheels standard with base-level models; 15" x 6.5" Styled-Steel Wheels standard on Astro LS; 15" x 6.5" brushed-aluminum wheels standard on Astro
LT. All uplevel wheels are optional on base-level model.
Tire Type
Tire Size
All-Sea son Steel-Belted Ra dia l Bla ckwa ll
P215/75 R-15
Optional Tire
P215/75 R-15 White-outline lettered or P235/65R-15 White-outline lettered Touring (w/FE2 Touring
Suspension Package)
All specifications are preliminary and subject to change. Chevrolet Motor Division. June, 1997.
1998 Product Information Guide
1998 Astro
1998 Product Information Guide
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